Very nice
Pretty damn good for your first submission
Plus points: Decent filesize, good song. Competent art, nice mix of background & foreground images. Good grasp of what Flash can offer, and use of the same.
Minus points: No REPLAY button. L.Blue text is OK for dark backgrounds, but almost invisible on some of the light ones. Lacks a comprehensible storyline and could use some humour. Sub-titles run off-screen occasionally.
It's nice to see someone who actually WANTS to make good Flash, rather than users who are content to create crap that's just good enough to scrape through the Portal. Definitely keep learning, and submitting, next time I check, I want you to have a A+ batting average.... =). And ignore any negative feedback you may get from the untalented unwashed masses. Good luck with it!!!
PS heh, 3.5, here we come....