Good art
But it needs more of a story, and submitting it twice was the act of a full-time muppet.
Good art
But it needs more of a story, and submitting it twice was the act of a full-time muppet.
I think everything has already been said about this movie, so I'll just add that I've only seen the original Krinkels stuff, having watched far too many REALLY crap rip-offs - and it deserves all the awards and accolades it's got.
I'm not a big fan of your stuff
But it's nothing if not interesting. You seem to be going for quantity rather than quality, I'd love to see you put some time into an epic game or movie, polished and shiny (?eh?), rather (or as well as) producing masses of short weird things.
Anyway, keep flashing, your stuff makes me (and presumably other people) chuckle, so it definitely merits its place on NG.
why would i waste my time on these fags
Quick and violent
Not the best ever, but pretty entertaining. Always nice to see GOOD stick movies as opposed to the usual tripe.
Cool preloader, too.
hmm.. i dont suppose this deserves to be called a GOOD srick movie as compared to xiao xiao or any of ringfinger's movies... but thanx anyways
about the preloader - its quite lame actually... just my logo and the percent loaded.... usually i do all those nifty shifty actionscript stuff but i was just way too tired when i finished this (it carried me on way after midnight and i had skool the next day)
Nice art. Poor Flash.
Good for the filesize though
Very nice
Great work. It's always nice to have plenty of options when going on a stick-killing spree...
OK so it's not an animation or game as such. But full credit for taking a great song and enhancing it. Yes, it's a slideshow, but one that a lot of thought and research has gone into. Deserves better than its current score of 1.82. Don't be discouraged.
Heh, a good idea, but seriously needs some animation, even if it's just the clock (or whatever) getting whacked. Keep practising at Flash, look forward to your future work. Thanks for using my audio, and well done on getting a movie through judgement...
Very nice
Pretty damn good for your first submission
Plus points: Decent filesize, good song. Competent art, nice mix of background & foreground images. Good grasp of what Flash can offer, and use of the same.
Minus points: No REPLAY button. L.Blue text is OK for dark backgrounds, but almost invisible on some of the light ones. Lacks a comprehensible storyline and could use some humour. Sub-titles run off-screen occasionally.
It's nice to see someone who actually WANTS to make good Flash, rather than users who are content to create crap that's just good enough to scrape through the Portal. Definitely keep learning, and submitting, next time I check, I want you to have a A+ batting average.... =). And ignore any negative feedback you may get from the untalented unwashed masses. Good luck with it!!!
PS heh, 3.5, here we come....
Wow, now that is VOTING POWER. ^_^
I'm glad you liked it, and I appreciate the support.
A replay button is basic AS and I was a bit foolish to forget putting one in. My first episode for Mega Force will be sure to have one. As well as letterboxing for clearly readable subtitles.
People are investing a lot of voting points on me, so I'll try my best to pay dividends with my future submissions!
Nice work spritesrus
Great to see you got through judgment. Not the best storyline ever, but a lot better than I was expecting (sorry for doubting =). Got some good reviews too, so keep up the good work, keep practicing... and well done!
Age 55, Male
Joined on 4/25/03