After one of the most shitty summers I can remember (seems to have poured down for like 80% of the time since May in the UK), we finally got some nice, sunny weather for a few days. Got one of those Easy-Up pools for the kids a couple of weeks ago and it's been great (even though it's 12ft and therefore killing off the grass on a quarter of the lawn).
The wind and clouds came back today though, and it felt like the first day of Autumn. If the first day of Spring (my favourite season) is a time of re-awakening and joy, I find Autumn the exact opposite - the beginning of that long haul through darkness and cold. Apparently, September is set to be reasonably good weatherwise, so hopefully we'll have a bit more sun before the nights draw in.
Glimmer of hope on the horizon is the possibility of a full-time permanent job, well-paid, making Flash games, at home. If it comes together, this would be about as good as it gets in terms of jobs - the freedom to move anywhere (thinking Wales or Devon) and still get paid for doing something I enjoy. The only thing that could top that would be to make a living from playing the stock market, which is probably the next target... due to having drifted for most of my life (see paragraph below for an afterthought on this), I have no security in terms of money in the bank/mortgage/career ladder, so I'm going to be doing some reading up on that.
I'm regularly reminded of the scene in Heroes (took me a while to get into it, but looking forward to the next series eagerly) where Nathan Petrelli goes to see Linderman. Linderman says:
""...there comes a time when a man has to ask himself, whether he wants a life of happiness or a life of meaning. Two very different paths.... to be truly happy, a man must live absolutely in the present. No thought of what's gone before, and no thought of what lies ahead. But, a life of meaning... the man is condemned to wallow in the past, and obsess about the future."
I think there are shades in between the two extremes, but I've definitely always leant towards the happiness path - not that I can say I'm a constantly happy person, but I certainly have never cared much for future or past. Thinking no more than three days ahead has its disadvantages, but I think it does give an individual a large amount of freedom.
Anyway, enough philosophy. Things are looking pretty good at the minute. My only real regret currently is that mentioned in my previous News post - that I don't have a great deal of time to work on my own projects, for my site or NG. But I don't think that's too high a price to pay.
PS. If you have a moment (obviously you do, since you just read all that tripe), scroll down and check out the two at the top of my Favorite Movies/Games - they're both quite old, but I'd be surprised if you don't get a smile out of either/both if you haven't seen them before.
do you have children?
Let me check... yes, I do appear to have children. Why?