I really need to make a new game/movie/audio track for NG, it's been too long.
Not enough hours in the day at the moment for all I'm supposed to do.
While I'm here (this is an edit after Rupee's first post btw), I suppose I should make comment on the closure of my uploader. The blurb on the site explains why I've had to close it down, but there's some more details in this thread if you're interested.
A few NG users have set up alternative uploaders since I closed mine, which is great. In no particular order:
SpamTheWeb uploader
omfgItsZoidy uploader
and also for swfs
Image Shack
If I can find a feasible way to allow uploads and keep a check on them (for t&c-breaching files), I'll bring it back. But don't hold your breath.
An animated gif will always do. :3
Also, I saw about your uploader on your site.
Why don't you just implement an account system similar to that of Newgrounds Log? That way it restricts the flash project uploading to just Newgrounds users like you wanted.
Denvish (Updated )
I don't think there's any way to check whether a user is genuinely a NG user or whether they're just faking the username. Casualty has no way of checking for genuine passwords for the NG Log, and neither do I. It WOULD cut down on the other-site users (although they could guess 'John' or 'Tim' if they have half a brain-cell), but even if it was just limited to NG users I'd still have the T&C-breaching file issue. I can't moderate the uploaded files. I'm thinking if it ever does get back up, to allow ONLY flas and swfs, and find some php or asp way to check whether a file is genuinely a swf or fla, and not a renamed exe (I assume there IS a way, since NG has checks for a real swf on the portal... but I don't know how, and I'd imagine James is snowed under with redesign bugs, so I'm not going to hassle him).
It's all a bit blah, I really didn't want to have to close it down